
go by the book meaning in English

照章办事, 按规矩行事


  1. He always goes by the book .
  2. Jonathan always goes by the book : i doubt if he will let you do what you want
  3. There is nothing really wrong to go by the book , except that it makes us no different from machines
  4. There is nothing really wrong to go by the book , except that it makes us no different from machines . she is an elderly woman , not an energetic young person . she had the money with her but it was rejected just because the button for this mode of payment could not be found on the machine
    这可是一名70岁的老人,不是一个年轻的小伙子,她已经带着现款来到了柜台,就因为付款方式不能在“机器”上找着符合的“按钮” ,就不受理,非得要她跟着“机械化”的规矩走吗?

Related Words

  1. go by sth
  2. go by the board
  3. go by the head
  4. go by the name of
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